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Adds Twitter Button in Posts

Adds Twitter Button in Posts
There are various ways to promote your blog in increasing traffic. But the actual promotion of your blog is all located on a post or the content of your article. You can promote your blog by adding social bookmarking icons, so that your article can be disseminated. There are various types of buttons that can be mounted like Digg, Yahoo, Twitter and others. I am here to give tips on how to show the Twitter blog post.

If someone likes your post, they will click on your Twitter to post the topic on their accounts so that their friends will get information about your topic. There are two types of twitter buttons available that you can place it on the blog post. Well the following will be taught how to put this button:
  1. Login to blogger.
  2. Click Design and click Edit HTML
  3. Expand Widget Templates
  4. Find the code below:   <data:post.body/>
  5. Add the following code before or after the above code
Adds Twitter Button in Posts
     For the full twitter like the image above, add this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    tweetmeme_url = &#39;<data:post.url/>&#39;;
    </script>Retweet this button on every post blogger
    <script src="" type="text/javascript">

    While the Compact twitter button add this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    tweetmeme_style = "compact";
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    If you want to put the button on the right to use this code:

    <div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
    >>>>Retweet Button Code Here<<<<

    If you want to put a button on the right side to use this code:

    <div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
    >>>>Retweet Button Code Here<<<<

    Save your template, and Good luck ....





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